It's Christmas! Again!
While we've resisted the temptation to churn out the obligatory Christmas designs here at Pooch & Poodle, that doesn't mean we can't get into the Christmas spirit.
We know that, for many, Christmas is a time of year when you're forced to see more of the people you've spent the rest of the year trying to see less of.
So here's a little 'humor shot' to help get you through!
Without further ado, our list of the Top Ten Funny Christmas Sweaters for Dog Lovers. With a bonus surprise pick (scroll to the end).
#10 - A Little More Scrooge, A little Less Christmas
You can never have too many clever dog puns (and there may even be an unintended one in here).
This one's for those with a little more of the Scrooge, and a little less of the Santa Claus about them.
A simple way to let your fellow Christmas revelers know where you stand on the 'happy holidays' issue.
#9 - Jingle Bells and Weiner Dogs
What do you get when you cross a Christmas sing-along classic with a sausage dog? A very special breed of Christmas sweater is what.
Why would any dog parent ever sing 'dashing' through the snow in a jingle bells rendition again? We see you ... all those doxie lovers enthusiastically nodding their heads.
#8 - 'Tis The Season To Be Dabbing
Love French Bulldogs? A fan of the dab?
Question: What could be funnier than a French Bulldog dabbing? Answer: A French Bulldog dabbing in a Santa hat and scarf.
See if you can't get a 'group dab' shot at your next Christmas gathering.
#7 - Who You Callin' Dirty?
Probably not one for the masses.
We can see it tickling a few funny bones, though. How about those with a strong preference for dogs over people? Or those with a penchant for annoying the less irreverent amongst us.
#6 - I Like Corgies And I Cannot Lie
More cute than funny? Butt seriously, who doesn't get a laugh out of butt jokes? I used to ... butt then I grew out of it.
We could go on, butt we don't want to stretch the friendship...
#5 - Flappy Ears Brings Good Cheer(s)
To be honest, we've included this in our list more for the novelty factor. Apparently when you wear it, the dogs ears inflate and automatically move about.
We wouldn't be caught dead in one, but we'd sure like to meet the guy who has the Christmas baubles to wear it to the office party.
#4 - Call It Like You See It
If you ugly. You ugly. A 'sweater' that calls itself out ... before anyone else can.
We've all been to an ugly Christmas sweater party (er, haven't we?!). You can always pick the guy (or gal) who secretly thinks they actually look pretty cool. We can assure them they don't. Next time, we'll give them one of these so the other partygoers can spot them easily, too.
#3 - Merry Christmas To You, Too!
Nothing says "welcome to a Christmas lunch" quite like opening the door to your guests in a Merry Puggin' Christmas sweater (apart from the #1 pick on our list, perhaps).
We can see this one working well when visiting relatives over the holiday season. Always nice to let family know that you consider the yearly Christmas get-together a truly 'happy' occasion.
#2 - Sausage Fest
We know what you're thinking. Walking in a winter wonderland may never have the same connotation again.
Hang on! Which fork in the road did you just take? Millions of doxies milling at your feet, right? If you happened to go in another direction ... may we suggest you: sit, drop, stay!
#1 - The Female of the Species is More Christmassy Than the Male
OK, it's not exactly a sweater but we like it for it's brevity, and it's unwavering Christmas spirit. Clear. Concise. To the point.
Sure, you could take it the wrong way. But as dedicated dog lovers, we can't imagine you would!
In fact, we've got another another sweater, er, somewhere, that says: 'Merry Christmas Dogs'.
Bonus Pick - Fo' Shizzle My Dizzle It's Chrismizzle
OK. We couldn't resist throwing that other dawg into the mix. The Snoop Dogg.
And boo-ya ... there it is playa! Too cool for Christmas, y'all.
And that's a wrap (see what we did there?). We hope you enjoyed our top ten funny Christmas sweaters for dog lovers.
If you're looking for a dog lover Christmas gift - not of the ugly sweater variety - be sure to check out our exclusive products here. If you liked the article, feel free to share it with your friends.
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